Immortal Guide

Immortal Jolly Collections
Immortal Jolly is the First Generation of Jolly NFTs.
The first generation features different sets:
• Curse of Anubis
32 Unique NFTs
• JollyWood
15 Unique NFTs
• Mrs Jolly
15 Unique NFTs based on Jolly’s wife, Lilly.
• Into the Jolly-Verse
9 Collab NFTs with a focus on giving back. A percentage of the proceeds went to an Ocean Cleanup initiative, SeaLove.
• Mutant Madness
400 Generative NFTs with the ability to burn and evolve. Over 50% of the supply has been burnt.
The Adventures of Immortal Jolly is the Second Generation of Jolly NFTs.
This generation introduces 2 New Characters to the series, Angel and Bubble.
There are 100 Unique NFTs in the series and 5 Collab NFTs. In addition to the 100 NFTs there are Set Pieces you can earn.
Jolly Skulls is a collection of 68 Unique NFTs based on the Immortal Jolly collection.
These NFTs were minted as a reward for the holders of Immortal Jolly Pieces.

Mutant FAQ
To craft a higher tier mutant, you will need to burn sets of lower tier mutants;
5 Basic Mutants burnt will give you 1 Superior Mutant
3 Superior Mutants burnt will give 1 Legendary Mutant
2 Legendary Mutants burnt will give you 1 Omega Mutant
To burn a mutant you need to send it to this Algorand wallet:
or NFD:
Traits with the highest ranking will be added first, all other traits will be added randomly.
Yes, there are specific trait combos when burning that will give you new traits.
Trait Crafting List
Head Bottom
- Basic Fangs + Basic Purple Beetle = Superior Purple Fangs
- Basic Fangs + Basic Blue Beetle = Superior Blue Fangs
- Basic Fangs + Basic Gold Beetle = Superior Gold Fangs
- Basic Fangs + Basic Grey Beetle = Superior Grey Fangs
- Superior Fingers + Superior Straps = Legendary Hands Spell Cast (Spell variant will match the skin of the mutant.)
- Superior Purple Moth Wings + Superior MNGO Skulls = Legendary Pink MNGO Skulls
- Superior MNGO Skull + Superior Grey Bat Wings = Legendary Grey Birds Wings
- Superior MNGO Skull + Superior White Bat Wings = Legendary White Birds Wings
- Superior MNGO Skull + Superior Acid Bat Wings = Legendary Pink Birds Wings
- Legendary MNGO Skull + Legendary Grey Bat Wings = Omega Grey Birds Wings
- Legendary MNGO Skull + Legendary White Bat Wings = Omega White Birds Wings
- Legendary MNGO Skull + Legendary Acid Bat Wings = Omega Pink Birds Wings
- X2 Superior Naked Freak Tail = Legendary Naked Freak Tail
Traits upgrade automatically when your mutant reaches the next tier.
There were 10 dropped in the public shuffle. But there will be a max of 52 Omega Mutants when all mutants are burnt.
Omega mutants can be used in battles on our Discord, in the Arena. Arena battles reward Omega’s with prizes from other Algorand projects or a NEW JOLLY from an upcoming drop.

Coin FAQ
Amounts are based on which and how many NFTs from the Jolly-verse you own:
Curse of Anubis, JollyWood, Mrs Jolly and Into the Jolly-Verse – 5 C-Gold each
Mutant Madness – 3 C-Gold each
The Adventures of Immortal Jolly – 10 C-Gold each
Jolly Skulls – 3 C-Gold each
You can use the coin to enter certain raffles on RaffleBees.
Cursed Gold will be the main currency for Jolly Corps. The currency will be used for various utility, more info soon.